Spark Plug Assembly

Free Downloads:

Option 1: CAD file (open with any CAD program):
Spark Plug Assembly IGS File
Spark Plug Assembly AP 214 STEP File
Option 2: eDrawings file (edrawings is free to download here):
Spark Plug Assembly EASM File


A SolidWorks project meant to show the inner components of a spark plug made with SolidWorks 2013. There are many variations in industry. However, the most common main components include: central electrode, side (ground) electrode, metal shell with hex nut, gasket, ceramic insulator with corrugations, and the terminal nut.

Primary functions:

-Seals the combustion chamber
-Ignites air/fuel mixture
-Transfers heat from the combustion chamber (i.e. like a heat exchanger)

Design considerations:

-My project uses a non-resistor type spark plug. The resistor types reduce radio frequency interference (RFI) and allow proper communication with electronic systems. Therefore, the resistor types are common in automotive applications today.

-Corrugations are used to prevent "flash-over" by creating more resistance for the electricity as it tries to travel up the insulator body. The insulator should be made of a material that has excellent heat dissipation, electrical insulation, and resistance to thermal shock. I chose ceramic for my project.

-The metal shell material should be highly resistant to corrosion. The shell acts as the ground for the sparks flowing through the central electrode to the side electrode.

-The central electrode is a Nickel Alloy Copper-Core type. Nickel is highly anti-corrosive and heat resistant. Copper is one of the best electric conductors and is temperature resistant. However, the main downside to copper is that it erodes away faster than platinum and iridium.

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